My Experience With Art ✩

log entry #2

A small wooden pencil resides in my hand, making precise and detailed strokes against the canvas. My four-year-old self was determined to capture the earliest parts of my culture standing before me—the Incan empire of Machu Picchu. I proudly turned around and met the caring eyes of my Abuelita with the proudest smile on her face. “Que precioso,” she exclaimed, collecting the drawing from my small hands and showcasing it to my family members. A mere, trivial experience at the time developed into a flaming passion of storytelling through my artwork.  Since then I have strived to create artwork that reflects a variety of themes and advocates for certain topics.

One question that still puzzles me is whether certain people are born with an instinct to create art or whether it is completely a learned skill? I believe it is both but more so the latter. I've found that anyone can create art. To me, the definition of an artist is anyone that creates art no matter their skill/knowledge. Everyone's experience as an artist is entirely subjective. Personally, it has given me a sense of purpose and benefitted my mental health, especially during the pandemic. That tragic time made us feel a complete loss of control from losing our jobs to not being able to see loved ones, to simply not being able to leave our houses. Here, I turned to art to express my thoughts and feelings when connecting with others was not possible. 

I hope to share with others how art can help us and inspire people to begin creating. 

✩ view my art here


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